
Video Mapping


Saint-Val’ in postcards

We collaborated with this Video Mapping on “Entrepôt des Sels” in Saint-Vakery sur Somme, France. (30/12/2021) From the past to ...

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The New World Symphony

Shown at the Centre des Arts Plastiques in Fresnes-sur-Escaut, France, with the motif of Dvořák’s New World Symphony, this video ...

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Mola Latente

A creation inspired by the abstract patterns found in the traditional textile art of the indigenous Guna people of Panama ...

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Kajadifuu & Danse du Renard

For centuries, Kajadifuu has been used as the opening of celebrations in Okinawa. The traditional music and Okinawan dance should ...

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Kajadifuu Bushi

“What can I compare today’s happiness to? It is like a budding flower, kissed by the dew.” “Kajadifuu” is a ...

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VAMOS in Fries TV

Two works “Cachorro Loko” by Igor Shin Moromisato and “The New World Symphony” by Sae Yun Jung, were shown daily ...

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“According to § 60a Asylum Act, Tolerated Stay Permit (“Duldung”) is issued for individuals who are, in principle, obliged to ...

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Crocodelight was shown in December 2021 in the courtyard of the Alte Feuerwache in Cologne for three nights. We enjoyed ...

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Yet She Will Still Hurry Up

Video mapping installation created as part of Kulturatrium, a cooperation project between the partner regions of Hauts-de-France (France), Land of ...

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“Tic-Tac” that’s beats the clock incessantly upon a left hand. Time passes by, like the pedestrians, cars and the chaotic ...

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